MIMBAR YUSTITIA : Jurnal Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia 2024-01-18T14:58:05+00:00 Ahmad Munir Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">MIMBAR YUSTITIA : Jurnal Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, publishes research on various topics, national laws and international law, including analysis on policies, verdict, and human rights issues. The journal has published some of the most popular and popular articles in this field. This is an invaluable resource for academics and also interested in current analysis of current legal issues. The journal is published by the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum Lamongan Indonesia.</span></span></p> Pemidanaan Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pencabulan (Putusan Nomor 1361/Pid.B/2022/PN.Sby) 2023-12-19T15:29:29+00:00 Rinda Nur Afifah Echwan Iriyanto Ainul Azizah <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Punishment is a sanction that causes pain or suffering that is intentionally inflicted on someone. Sentencing in Decision Number 1361/Pid.B/2022/PN.Sby is interesting to discuss in relation to the form of the indictment and the judge's consideration. The urgency of this research is to evaluate the form of the public prosecutor's indictment and the judge's consideration with the aim of providing ideas and solutions to the legal issues being studied. This research uses a normative juridical method with a statutory approach and conceptual approach, and legal materials are analyzed using the deductive method. The result of this study is that the form of the alternative indictment of the public prosecutor is correct but the composition needs to be adjusted and the judge's consideration in applying the article is not in accordance with the facts in the trial. The form of the indictment is more appropriate to use an alternative whose formation is adjusted to the classification of the article charged and the judge's consideration is not in accordance with the facts at trial because the defendant is not proven to have committed several criminal acts, so that the application of concurcus realis in the decision is inappropriate.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Conviction, Indictment, Judge's Consideration</em></strong></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Pemidanaan merupakan sanksi yang menderitakan atau nestapa yang sengaja ditimpakan kepada seseorang. Pemidanaan pada Putusan Nomor 1361/Pid.B/2022/PN.Sby menarik untuk dibahas dikaitkan dengan bentuk surat dakwaan dan pertimbangan hakim. Urgensi penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi bentuk surat dakwaan penuntut umum dan pertimbangan hakim dengan tujuan untuk memberikan gagasan serta solusi terhadap isu hukum yang sedang diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual, dan bahan hukum dianalisis menggunakan metode deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa bentuk surat dakwaan alternatif penuntut umum sudah tepat namun susunannya perlu disesuaikan dan pertimbangan hakim dalam penerapan pasal yang tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang ada di persidangan. Bentuk surat dakwaan lebih tepat menggunakan alternatif yang formasinya disesuaikan dengan klasifikasi pasal yang didakwakan serta pertimbangan hakim yang tidak sesuai dengan fakta di persidangan karena Terdakwa tidak terbukti melakukan beberapa tindak pidana, sehingga penerapan <em>concurcus realis </em>dalam putusan tersebut menjadi tidak tepat.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><strong>Pemidanaan, Surat Dakwaan, Pertimbangan Hakim</strong></p> 2023-12-19T15:29:29+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penyelenggaraan Pelindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia Yang Terinfeksi Virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus Dan Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 2023-12-19T15:41:40+00:00 Aimatul Millah Mari Ghoni Al-dzikri <p>Indonesian migrant workers affected by HIV/AIDS face a number of serious challenges in their daily lives. One of the main problems is the lack of understanding and awareness regarding the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission among migrant workers. Apart from that, the sosial stigma against HIV/AIDS is also a serious obstacle for Indonesian migrant workers. Therefore, serious efforts are needed from the government, health institutions and the international community to increase understanding, reduce stigma and increase access of Indonesian migrant workers to health services, including HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. The aim of protecting migrant workers affected by HIV/AIDS is to protect the human rights of migrant workers affected by HIV/AIDS, including the right to health care, decent work and fair treatment, as well as providing education and information to migrant workers regarding HIV/AIDS, including prevention and treatment methods. This <br>research employs normative research methods. The approaches utilized in this study encompass two conceptual frameworks, namely the statute approach and the conceptual approach ransmission. This study uses normative research methods. Used in this study consisted of 2 (two) conceptual approaches, namely the statute approach and the conceptual approach. The results of this study indicate that the form of protection for migrant workers is protection before work, protection during work, and protection after work. In this case the government also provides forms of legal, sosial and economic protection as well as rehabilitation and sosial reintegration of migrant workers affected by HIV/AIDS.</p> ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepastian Hukum Hak Guna Usaha di atas Hak Pengelolaan 2023-12-22T15:27:05+00:00 Nisriina Milla Sharfinda Antikowati Antikowati Bhim Prakoso <p><em>The ratification of Law 6/2023 creates a new norm for granting HGU, which is stated in Article 129 Paragraph (2) that the right: to cultivate; build use; and use, can be provided on top of HPL. Based on the closing provisions of Law 6/2023 Article 184 which states that all implementing regulations remain in force as long as they do not conflict with government regulations in place of this law, PP 18/2021 is still valid. The government regulation states that in Article 8 Paragraph (1) HPL can be granted HGU. This can result in abuse of authority as has occurred in the general transmigration program for West Java residents to Riau Province in East Tambusai Village, Kampar Regency, the Regional Government of Riau Province part of the transmigration management land was carried out in collaboration with PT Pancasurya Agrindo. The research carried out was to analyze the implementation of granting HGU applications above HPL to determine the basis and legal certainty of HGU above HPL. This research using the normative juridical research method found the problem related to the basis and the legal certainty of HGU above HPL. Legal certainty from HGU above HPL is not optimal if based on the analysis of existing cases, because the application article for the issuance of HGU above HPL does not provide space for people who object to the issuance of HGU certificates. Legal certainty will be implemented if the law related to the implementation of HGU above HPL is effective.</em></p> 2023-12-22T15:19:09+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kedudukan Kreditor Asing Dalam Perkara Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang Terhadap Debitor Yang Berkedudukan Di Indonesia 2023-12-24T14:49:31+00:00 Besty Dyah Qorina Ilmi Iswi Hariyani Bhim Prakoso <p>Penyelesaian perkara PKPU dengan melibatkan unsur asing di dalamnya pada dasarnya dapat dikualifikasikan sebagai perkara <em>cross border insolvency.</em> Pengaturan <em>cross border insolvency</em> dalam Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU hanya mengatur mengenai unsur asing berupa obyek yakni aset debitor pailit yang berada di luar negeri, dan pengaturan mengenai keterlibatan unsur asing salah satunya kreditor asing. Hal tersebut tentu menimbulkan suatu ketidakpastian hukum terkait kedudukan kreditor asing yang terlibat dalam proses PKPU di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual, dan bahan hukum dianalisis mengunakan metode deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa dalam Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tidak mengatur mengenai <em>cross border insolvency</em> yang berkaitan dengan unsur subyek. Pada perkembangannya telah banyak negara-negara di dunia yang mengatur mengenai <em>cross border insolvency</em> secara lengkap, berdasarkan hal tersebut Indonesia perlu melakukan pembaharuan hukum khususnya dalam kepailitan dan PKPU.</p> 2023-12-24T14:49:31+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kepastian Hukum Pembuktian Sederhana Utang Debitor Dalam Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU) 2023-12-28T15:06:41+00:00 Eka Putri Amalia Iswi Hariyani Bhim Prakoso <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Economic devellopment in the business world result in problems that are resolved through bankruptcy and PKPU. Settlement through a PKPU application is more attractive to the public than a bankruptcy application. In PKPU application there is a simple proof that has multiple interpretations so that many PKPU applications are rejected due to unsimple proof. The research method used is normative research method through primary and secondary legal materials. Simple proof is evidence carried out in bankruptcy and PKPU cases, aimed at accelerating the case settlement process. Simple proof is regulated in Article 8 paragraph (4) of Law No. 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and PKPU, but the regulation has multiple interpretations. Debt in simple proof are debt that can be sourced from agreements and laws, one of which is the uppaid Value added Tax (PPN) bill. As a result of the legal uncertanty of simple proof, debt settlement, one of which is a PPN bill, cannot be carried out fully and even though the judge’s legal considerations are in accordance with the simple proof norm, there is still a lack of explanation regarding simple proof.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><strong><em>Simple proof, Debt, PKPU.</em></strong></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Perkembangan ekonomi dalam dunia bisnis mengakibatkan permasalahan yang diselesaikan melalui kepailitan dan PKPU. Penyelesaian melalui permohonan PKPU lebih diminati oleh masyarakat dibandingkan dengan permohonan pailit. Di dalam permohonan PKPU terdapat pembuktian sederhana yang memiliki multitafsir sehingga banyak permohonan PKPU yang ditolak akibat pembuktian tidak sederhana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif melalui bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Pembuktian sederhana merupakan pembuktian yang dilaksanakan dalam perkara pailit dan PKPU yang bertujuan dalam mempercepat proses penyelesaian&nbsp; perkara. Pembuktian sederhana diatur dalam Pasal 8 ayat (4) Undang-undang No. 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU, namun pengaturan tersebut memiliki multitafsir. Utang dalam pembuktian sederhana merupakan utang yang dapat bersumber dari perjanjian dan undang-undang, salah satunya pada tagihan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) yang belum terbayarkan. Akibat ketidakpastian hukum pembuktian sederhana penyelesaian utang yakni salah satunya tagihan PPN tidak dapat dilakukan secara sepenuhnya serta walaupun dalam pertimbangan hukum hakim sesuai dengan norma pembuktian sederhana namun masih minim penjelasan mengenai pembuktian sederhana.</p> <p><strong>Kata </strong><strong>K</strong><strong>unci</strong>: <strong>Pembuktian Sederhana, Utang, PKPU.</strong></p> 2023-12-28T15:06:41+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Akibat Hukum Permohonan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU) Atas Perusahaan Asuransi Ke Pengadilan Niaga Yang Diajukan Oleh Pemohon Yang Tidak Memiliki Legal Standing 2024-01-12T10:06:18+00:00 Vira Nadia Septiani Iswi Hariyani Bhim Prakoso <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Human life is inseparable from the existence of risk, the occurrence of which cannot be ascertained and causes damage, loss, costs incurred, loss of profit, and others. Anticipating this, insurance is present in the midst of society as an institution for delegation or transfer of risk. However, insurance companies in carrying out their obligations also experience problems, one of which is regarding default, which causes the insurance company to be in the PKPU or bankruptcy process. Only certain parties can file PKPU or bankruptcy against an insurance company to the commercial court. The formulation of the problem in this article is the applicant who has legal standing to file PKPU or bankruptcy to the commercial court for insurance companies and the legal implications if PKPU or bankruptcy for insurance companies to the commercial court is filed by an applicant who does not have legal standing.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Insurance. Legal Standing, PKPU or bankruptcy.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Kehidupan manusia tidak terlepas dari adanya risiko, yang terjadinya tidak dapat dipastikan dan menimbulkan </em><em>kerusakan, kerugian, biaya yang timbul, kehilangan keuntungan, dan lain-lain. Mengantisipasi hal tersebut, asuransi hadir ditengah masyarakat sebagai lembaga pelimpahan atau pengalihan risiko. Namun perusahaan asuransi dalam menjalankan kewajibannya juga mengalami masalah salah satunya mengenai gagal bayar, yang menyebabkan perusahaan asuransi berada dalam proses PKPU atau pailit. Hanya pihak tertentu yang dapat mengajukan PKPU atau pailit atas perusahaan asuransi ke pengadilan niaga. Rumusan masalah dalam artikel ini adalah pemohon yang memiliki legal standing untuk mengajukan PKPU atau pailit ke pengadilan niaga atas perusahaan asuransi dan implikasi hukum apabila PKPU atau pailit atas perusahaan asuransi ke pengadilan niaga diajukan oleh tertanggung sebagai pemohon yang tidak memiliki legal standing.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci:</em></strong><em> Asuransi. Legal Standing, PKPU atau pailit.</em></p> 2024-01-12T10:06:18+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Akibat Hukum Pemecahan Sertifikat Rumah Tanpa Adanya Penetapan Ahli Waris 2024-01-18T14:58:05+00:00 Muhammad Rizki Amiludin Amiludin <p><em>Determination of heirs is to legally and fairly appoint heirs by authorized officials to be used in fulfilling administrative requirements relating to the affairs of heirs who have died and the affairs of heirs in the future. If there is a dispute over splitting the certificate without determining the heir, there will be consequences for the object of the dispute. This research explains and informs what legal consequences will arise if a legal action occurs, namely splitting a house certificate for a family that has not determined an heir. The research method uses normative research methods by examining the Decision of the Medan Religious Court Register Number: 172/pdt.P/2022/PA.Mdn by approaching statutory regulations and judges' decisions. The results of the research show that the legal consequences that will arise are conflicts between families if there is a transfer of certificate authority (sale and purchase transactions) and this can also relate to unlawful acts because there are parties who suffer losses from these legal acts, therefore the expert's determination Inheritance is mandatory to avoid conflicts between families.</em></p> 2024-01-18T14:52:48+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##